Some people believe that Superman is broken. I for one am not sure that he is broken, but I believe the character is in need of a tune-up. If I have one problem with Superman, it's that he has become a god - an all powerful god. If you want Superman to be relevant, you have to scale back his powers. You have to weaken Superman. The closest thing to this I've seen is in Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman and in Bryan Singer's underrated Superman Returns . The only time this alien from another world's stories become emotionally resonant are when Superman is in mortal or moral danger. Now I admit there are somethings you cannot do to Superman, the character: Superman cannot be corrupted. He has to remain the moral center of the DC universe. He has to be better than any man or super-powered man alive. Superman's true character and strength is not that he is all powerful, but that he is powerful enough to be the man of last resort to save us all by doing the right t...
Ramblings, thought expeiments, and curiosities