I started meditating again. The last time I had seriously meditated was before the kids were born, and that was not a Zazen meditation, but something new and not that productive. Let's stop with the vaguries. It was imaginative, but nothing real nor good came from it.
So I'm back up to 15 minute sessions of sitting in Zazen or mantra medtitation. For a while I made it a game, but that was diluting the process. I've taken a more gentle and traditional aproach to medtitating. I set my iPhone's timer to 15 minutes and sit, concentrating on my breathing or a mantra. I have this afterglow from meditating.
After meditating I am the happiest and most calm and clear that I am all day, but this lasts for a few hours and fades. The pitfalls of life and work stream back in and slowly chip away at my ability to remain calm and accepting. So there's improvement, and there's more improvements to be made.
I need to sit and do the work, probably longer and at least twice a day. Some days I can only sit once. Time must be carved out for this. It is important to me.
If you haven't tried meditating, I hghly recommend it. It can be difficult at first, but like a muscle, the more you use it, the easier the work becomes. I highly recommend giving it a try for a few times before making a decision about if it is right for you or not.