These ramblings are my attempt to understand some things that may not be understandable, but can only be taken a position on, even if that position is that I do not understand them. Are we puppets that have been created through the accident of consciousness as Thomas Ligotti believes ? This is a belief, albeit a bleak and pessimistic one, like any other belief man creates to make sense of the meaning of his life. Atheism is a belief just like Christianity, and all of the beliefs are at odds with other beliefs because they declare truth where there is no truth to be verified except by belief or faith or dogma to be recited like some robot that has been programmed for this purpose. I'm begging you not to be a robot, which reveals that I do not side with Ligotti on his belief in a world cursed by conscious puppets. The problem with belief is that it is created by people, and people are not perfect, nor perfectly good, or very smart. Their biases creep into whatever belief they ...
Ramblings, thought expeiments, and curiosities